Quinn’s 5 Shots

For this project, We had to find three different objects and take 5 pictures of each object. But, the 5 shots have to be at different angles. The challenge of this project was trying to take five different shots of each object. The object that was the hardest to take pictures of was  my dog because it was hard to keep him still. This project helped me to learn how to take pictures with different angles.  If you would like to see the rest of my photos click here.

Quinn’s 24 Colors

In this project, we had to match up crayons with the same color objects. The challenge of this activity was trying to match purple and blue crayons with objects. The easy part was matching the green, black, and brown crayons. Below are two of my favorite pictures. If you like to see the rest of my photos, click here.

Quinn’s Logo

I typically use photos I find on Google.  Since I usually don’t know who owns the photo, I do not contact them.  But, I always give credit to the owner. If someone uses my images for a class project, I would like them to give me credit.  My logo is a circle with a ring inside, with my initials (Q H). I also have two lines above and below the Q H. For the darker background I used a light blue circle and then white accents, and for the lighter background I used a black circle and white accents. I love my logo because it’s simple and cute.  The easy part of designing my logo was picking out what colors I wanted. The hard part was assembling the pieces and picking out the shapes. But, Fireworks made the process pretty easy and simple.