Getting Close

For this assignment we had to take macro pictures. This meant that we had to get really close to the object in order to capture tiny minuscule details that we normally don’t see with the naked eye. Taking macro pictures may require certain apps like VSCO if you want better pictures, but your phones and cameras may already have auto macro settings. For this project, taking pictures in the outdoors provide better lighting because when you put your camera really close to the object, it blocks some of the light so if you’re inside it really impacts the picture. Trying to get good pictures were difficult because we really had to find things that looked interesting really closely. It was also challenging with the lighting. We had to make sure the camera didn’t completely block the light. We also had trouble keeping the camera still. At such a close proximity, we had to keep our hands steady in order for the camera to adjust. If I had the time to get there I would go to the Amazon Rain forest to take pictures. The Amazon Rain forest is full of animals and plants that are very unique and special. Animals like parrots, leopards, and more can be great macro pictures. 2 of my favorite photos are shown below. The rest can be found here.