1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment I had to take 15 pictures of 3 different objects. For each object I had to take 5 pictures at different angles. A challenge of this project was trying to find 5 different positions of the object that looked interesting. Taking pictures of my pencil was the most challenging object to take pictures of since it was a very small object. This project helped me learn how to take pictures of objects at different angles instead of just taking them in one position. My favorite picture is displayed below. You can find the rest of my picture here.

24 Colors

Overall, the 24 crayons project was a little challenging, but relatively easy. I thought that the project was fun since we had to find an interesting background with the same color as the crayon. The project had some challenges like trying to find a background with the same color. Colors like pink and purple were hard to find. However, the project was easy in some areas such as putting the images into Google Drive. Doing this made uploading the pictures a whole lot easier. This project was a good combination of being challenging yet easy. 2 of my favorite pictures are below. The rest can be found here.