Kitchen Table Project

This project was about showing various emotions and themes at a “Kitchen Table” setting. After taking these pictures we showed that the setting wasn’t actually at a kitchen table but it was a fake set-up. The actual project “Set in the Street” is inspired by a photographer named Justin Bettman.  The set was inspired by the work of Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project.  The tools I used for this project was in the beginning the marquee tool. I used this to make the outline for the shadow I was going to add. Then I experimented with the curve tool to darken the outline after I made it inverse. The shadow was too extreme so then I put the feathering effect and I added my logo to finish it off.  In conclusion, this assignment was very creative and interesting to make up our own themes for each picture. 

Click here for all other photos. 

Answer the following:  If you had to choose a place to tell your family’s story, where would you take your photos?  What photos would we see? (even better, include a picture of this place)