
In this project I titled “motion” we were sent outdoors to take a picture of someone or something moving. I have chosen 2 photos that represent motion. I chose one person and one object. The object was challenging because I had to let other people throw the object while I took the picture so I had no control over how the object (leaves) were falling. Taking a picture of a person was easier because I could move them to a spot that was convenient to me. This project was a good way to test angles of how I could take a quick picture of movement without it being a low quality, blurry photo. In conclusion, this project helped me appreciate how fast things can happen and how hard it is the capture the speed of them. 

For more pictures click here

7 Days

This is my dog Bella. I got her when I was very young. She has been with my family through a lot. Bella is 11 years old and has a hard time moving on walks and  around the house. I am thankful to have as many years as I have had with her and I will make the best of it with the remaining time she has. 

I am thankful for shelter. I spend almost all of my time in this area of my house. My living room is where my siblings and I eat every night and do various activities in. We play board games and hangout with my extended  family in this very living room. A lot of memories have been made in this part of my house. 
I am thankful for warmth. In the winter season when it gets extra cold I love to sit by the fire. Sitting by a warm fire after a long day is the best feeling. Without a fire I would freeze so I am very happy to be able to have something to warm me up. 
I’m so thankful that a few years ago my sister and I got this camera to share. Originally she got it to take photos for photo shoots but now she uses it to make YouTube videos. It is very high quality really fun to mess around with, with my friends, on a walk, etc. I am so happy I have this camera to experiment with. 
I am so thankful for food. I love food because not everyone gets to have the privilege of eating 3 meals a day. I got to eat dinner with my family and have a blast on Thanksgiving. Not only am I thankful for being supplied with food, my mom made a home cooked meal for the whole family to enjoy. 
This is my extended family. recently we have not been able to see or visit them because they moved to New York. My family and I were not planning to be able to see then on Thanksgiving but it worked out that they could visit. It has been a tradition in my family that every year my cousins come and eat our family dinner with us and we catch up on what has happened since last Thanksgiving. 
This is my dad. My dad and I have gone through a lot together and we have made it through rough patches. He always inspires me by staying active and healthy. I hope to be like him and all that he has achieved when I grow up. I don’t know where I would be or what I would be doing without him. He always plays cards and other board games with my brother and I and when seeing him we never fail to have a terrific time.