
This week in class we had to take pictures of each other and edit them on Photoshop. When we took the pictures we changed the F-stop, ISO and shutter-speed to get the best looking picture. When editing via Photoshop, I turned my pictures black and white and played around with the curves to get what I thought were the best pictures.

The link to the rest of my photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/sCU06atUmMG00nbk2

This was my favorite picture taken of me, by Ryan Boswell.

24 Colors

In this project we had to match a whole box of crayons (there are 24 crayons in each box) to objects of the same color near our school and/or houses. Finding the exact shades of all the crayons was very challenging, especially finding all the different blues and reds. The easiest color to find a match with was black because there are black things all over the school (fences, computers, wires, etc) the hardest color to find was red violet because there aren’t many things that color in nature or in the school. The rest of my photos are in the link below.
