Macro Photos

During this assignment, students had to take a zoomed in photo of a subject. Getting up close to the subject worked well for me. I also tried getting different angles of the subject, which worked well for me. I had some challenges with the camera because it kept turning the photo blurry and I didn’t know how to fix it. It was also difficult trying to find an interesting photo, so most of my photos were of plants and flowers.

Click here to see other photos


The concept of this project is to focus on taking photos of a person in movement. When I was taking my photos, I wanted most of them outside, I used the clouds in some of my photos to capture my action photos. If someone else were to create action photos, I would recommend them to be patient because these shots take time. If I could take an action photo of something else, it would be a cat yawning.

Click here to see my photos

Getting Close

In this project I had to take 10 photos of living and non-living things up close. Some things that worked out well were choosing my objects and the look of the overall photo. Some challenges were making sure the object didn’t move and not letting the photo turn out to be blurry. If I had everything I needed, I would take an up close photo of bio luminescent coral. ?

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Up Close

In this project, we had to take pictures of objects from a very close angle. It was challenging to get objects to focus, especially on my phone. Because my phone had no manual focus, you had to stay a certain distance away from the object for it to focus. It was easy to position our objects in a rule of thirds style. If I had more professional photography equipment I would take close up photos of tiny rain drops on objects Here is all of my photos.

Processed with VSCO with preset

Getting Close

For this assignment, we were told to get close to an object sand see it’s detail and texture. For most projects in this class we need to see the big picture and overall view but this project we had to find the detail. It was simple for me to find objects that I wanted a close up of being that everything has texture. One challenge was getting close to the object but also allowing the camera to focus. I used the app VSCO to help me with this which was new to me. If I had the right devices I would get a close up of a fish because I think the color and texture would be very interesting. This is my favorite image that I took. Here is the link to all of the photos I took.


Click here for my photos.

In this project we had to take pictures of people or things in action. Such as, telling my friends to move or just seeing an object and telling someone to kick it or jump over it. One thing that helped me a ton was having my camera on burst so I could capture everything, so that would be my one major tip of capturing a good photo. I would take a picture of people jumping because it shows them off the ground which is something you can’t easily create. There can be many types of action photos that you can take but it was easiest for me to ask some friends to jump up to catch the perfect photo.

Getting Close

In this project you were supposed to take a picture of an object up close but you weren’t able to zoom in. You were trying to be it look like something you can see the whole object, it was supposed to be part of an object. For this project big objects worked well, what I did was put the camera really close. Sometimes the camera was blurry, but some objects you could tell what it is right away. I would do this sometimes if i did have the equipment but it seems really hard to find the right object.

click here to see all my pictures.

Getting Close

In this task we had to take close up pictures of objects, trying to see the little details inside. What worked well was taking close up pictures of flowers and plants, because you could see all the little details. Challenges were finding other things that weren’t flowers. If I had the equipment I would like to photograph an orchid because it has the most detail. Here is the link to my 10 close up photos. Finally, down below is my favorite picture.

Getting Close Up!

In this project we had to find an object and take close up pictures. What worked well was the fact the weather was beautiful that day, it made things glow. The challenges were finding the perfect looking objects, it wasn’t difficult everything was laid out, and I had no camera issues. If i could I would take close up pictures of spiders because they are cool. Click here to see photos

Close Up

For this assignment, we had to go up close to an object and snap a picture. For this project, we could not use the zoom option or else the picture would look grainy. For this project, I found that when using a phone, we can not go up too close to the object or else the phone will not focus on the object. This was the most challenging part about this project. We needed to be close, but not too close, or the picture would not turn out well. I would want to go to a garden and take pictures of flowers up close, bumble bees, bugs and a lot more.

Here is my favorite picture

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