Closeup Pictures.

This task included students to take pictures of things but getting really close to the object to get the detail of the object. What worked well was to take pictures in the shade because you could get better light. If you take pictures in lights then it would be hard to capture the detail because of the light in the picture. it was difficult to take good pictures because sometimes it would only focus for a little time and so you needed a good time so you can actually get a good picture. If I had the time,equipment,and ability than I would take a picture of maybe an alligators head or eye because they have different shades of color in their eye and so it would look cool.

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Macro Project

This project was basically to take photos indoors and outdoors, and get up close to things that are hard to tell what they are from so close up. I like this project, because it wasn’t that hard to get close up photos and take them, but it was very hard to get an angle at witch it looks good. I would probably want to visit the Galapagos islands, and take pictures of the amazing exotic species.

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Catch The Action

In this project we had to take pictures of different people doing different types of activities. We would have to take bursts of photos and after we chose the pictures that we thought were the best. After that we had to put our pictures into photo shop and put them into stacks so it would look as if all the pictures we took was one whole picture. It would give it an affect that the person had multiple of themselves and it would look very clean. It wouldn’t just take one try but instead it would take multiple to find the right pictures.

Click Here To See My Photos

Close Up

In this project we had get close to an item and take a picture of it including all detail. What worked well for me was that getting close to the ground would show the whole object and capture more details. I tried to put my camera close to the ground and tilt it upwards towards the item (flower). If the light of the sun was hitting the flower then the ray of light would show in the camera letting more of the detail come through. A problem that i faced with this project was getting to close to the photo and blurring out the background. Was wasn’t difficult to find things to take photos of. I would get a close up of some insects or some creature that is very small.

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Close up

In this project we had to get a photo really up close. The focus point works really well form my picture. Taking an up close picture was new. Something challenging was to find something to take pictures of. If I could I would like to take an up close picture of sand.

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Action Shots

In this project I learned how to capture movement without making the picture blurry. We had to show an object of its abnormal place and show it in action. In photo shop we had to layer pictures to make a stacked photo, again showing movement. Click here to view more of my pictures.

Close up

In this project i had to take a picture of an object close up and including all the details. What worked well was finding a object to do this project right. Some of the challenges in this project were having all the details the object had. It was not difficult to find an object. If i had the time i would not want to do photograph close up.

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Up Close

For this project we had to get a close up picture with it in focus. It worked well when I used the vsco app and used the focus feature. This was the first time I tried this. It was challenging to keep the objects still and in focus while taking the picture. If I had the time and photography equipment I would like to take a macro image of an eye.

Click Here to see the rest of my photos

Catch the Action

Some tips I have for action photos are

-Spam the camera button

-catch it in the middle of the action

-take from a low angle

A sport i would like to capture is someone playing basketball

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Getting Close

During this project, we had to take photos of living and nonliving things. We had to find objects and get really close to them and take pictures. I used the app vsco to take my photos. When taking the photos is was challenging to get close enough to the object without making the photo blurry. It was fun photographing this up close because sometimes you can’t tell what it is. I found it super easy to find things to take photos of. . (Do you know what my photo is of?)

Click here to see the rest of my photos!