
During this project, we had to take photos of living and nonliving things. We had to find objects and get really close to them and take pictures. When taking the photos is was challenging to get close enough to the object without making the photo blurry.Overall This was a fun and easy project. It was easy to come up with good ideas for pictures. I would like to get an up close picture of something cool.

go here for rest of the photos ?

Close Up

For this project I had to take photos of objects while getting very close to the object to capture miniature details. I think that it worked well to position the camera at a distance where the subject filled up the whole screen but still was in focus. I was still difficult to capture very small objects, such as a bug or a flower bud because it wouldn’t come into focus. If I had the time and equipment, I would like to photograph close up shots of leaves and nature. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here.

Up Close

In this project we had to take 10 close up pictures of different objects. It worked well when I was able to prop my phone up on something because it made my pictures clearer. It was hard to take photos up close because sometimes the wrong thing would be in focus while what you are trying to capture is blurry. I think it would be cool to photograph an animal eye because they are interesting to look at.

Click here to see my photos

Action shots

For this project we needed to take pictures of someone or something in action. Tips I would give someone would be don’t move your camera and make sure everything stays in frame. The sport I would want to photograph basketball or football. Overall this project was easy because you just had to make sure you didn’t move your camera.

my photos

Close Up

My favorite photo was the flower because it is really pretty. What worked well was getting close enough to take the photo. I did try something new which was taking really close pictures. One of my challenges was finding stuff to take. If I had the time I would like to take a close up of Brooke Balow because she is so pretty.

Here are some photos

Catch the Action

In this project, we took photos of objects or people in action. While taking these photos I tried to keep the camera low to the ground, in order to, make sure the image gives the impression of someone or something in motion. Also I tried to have have less motion in the background of the photo. This makes the photo easier to edit, along with, allowing the subject to be the main focus. If you are taking an action photo I recommend keeping the camera still. Shaking the camera will increase the difficulty of editing and, if you are creating a stacked photo, it will make it look better. If I could I would want to photograph an action shot of a gymnast. A gymnast would be constantly moving in a photo and performing interesting skills.

Click here to see my photos.

Close Up Pictures

For this assignment, we had to take close up pictures of an object. What worked well was holding the camera close to the object. I tried taking pictures with different and interesting angles. What was hard about this project was making sure the pictures wouldn’t be blurry. It was difficult to find things that would work well because a lot things were not interesting. I didn’t have any issues with the camera. I would like to get raindrops up close.

click here for my other photos

Action Pictures

In this project we had to take pictures of things in motion/action. In order to capture good images I had to hold down the shutter button on my iphone so I could catch things moving without blur. Tips I have for someone else who’s doing the project is to 100% hold down the shutter button. If I could photograph a sport it would be football because that is my favorite sport. Here are my pictures.

Catch the Action

In this project we had to take photos of objects and people in motion. I took my photos from lower angles when I took a photo of someone jumping so they look like they are higher. One tip i have is to prop your phone up on something while taking the photo to make sure the person or object is level, it will make editing a lot easier. One sport of would like to get an action photo of is gymnastics because i think it would look cool to see them flipping in the air.

Click here to see my photos

Close Up pics

Hello welcome this time we had to get close up pictures without zooming in and this was my favorite out of the 10. A lot of stuff outside for some reason worked better than inside. Not really issues it was just better to find interesting things that we could get close to outside. And there were no problems with the camera’s. a rare plant or something like that or a very vibrant thing just almost anything.

Here is the link