24 Colors

While working on this project I had a hard time finding the exact color of the crayon in the world. Also, it was frustrating when the computer didn’t let me save my finished pictures. The easy part of this project was putting my logo onto each picture in a creative way. In this project I had to find a matching color of each crayon. After that I had to add my logo to the pictures and then download the pictures to this site.

Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/xx1HLFZ7WgIhaUqX2

24 Colors

For this project, I worked all around the school to find colors on posters, lockers, and in classrooms to match the crayons. In this set of 4, I put what I thought was the most creative and colorful ones I took.


24 colors

In this project we were all given 24 crayons and we had a few days to go around and find objects that are the same color as the crayon. After we found the matching object we were told to take a picture of the two together and then upload them to our google drive. After we took all of our pictures we edited them on fireworks and then posted them. I think the hardest colors to find were apricot, blue green, and carnation pink. I think these colors were hard to find because they are very unique and there aren’t many objects with this these colors. For me, the easiest thing was finding blues and greens because they are very basic colors and each object is a different shade of that certain color.




yellow orange

carnation pink



24 Colors

For this project, 24 Colors  the easiest part was finding the greens and reds because they are everywhere, for green most of the grass, leaves, and folders match and for the red I had the options of the flag the picture that I posted and many more things. I like this project because it makes you take a second and actually look around and see we people see when they are not constantly in a rush. To me the most difficult colors were peach and purple because although it might of matched in your eyes it didn’t match on the camera.

Color-Dark green

Color-light green


color- dark red



24 Colors

We recently did a project called 24 colors. What we had to do was match a whole box of 24 colors to objects around us. I used objects in the school, outside, and even in my house to match the crayons. It was fairly easy to find the everyday colors like black, blue, and green because they were all around us in many places. But it was hard to find the not everyday colors like orange, pink and purple. I had to really search around to find 4 different oranges objects and two different purples. I did like this project because it was fun to look for color objects and made me notice the colors of everyday objects. Down below is a link for all my photos and my five favorite pictures I took.


Color: yellow

color: dandelion

color: pink

color: red

color: yellow orange

24 Colors

For this project, 24 Colors, it was very easy to find most of the colors in my everyday life. Some of the challenges where that since there where so many colors in your everyday life that are very similar so there are more than one thing of each color. When I did it I found 24 colors, but then the next few days I saw some colors that looked better or more artsy, so I had many photos. The colors that were hard to find was all the blues, purples, and pinks, because many things are not that color. While the green was easy because there was grass, plants, and more, while there weren’t as many options for the other colors. I did like this project because it made me realize how there’s so much around you that I never hardly noticed. Down below is a link for all of my photos. Hope you like them all!

Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/6o0T5aCXSJ2d0gcP2

Color: Black

Color: Green

Color: Yellow

Color: Violet Purple

my photos

these are some photos I took for a photography class and I was struggling with the gray these are the rest https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipP7-M4GC3wnj7mB-x_lRxEyNpo9CVUO_Z_pGLHI

24 Colors

Last week I was required to take 24 pictures with crayons in them. I had to match the crayons to a color in the picture taken. I believe that there were many challenges throughout this project. One of the challenges was finding specific colors that match the crayon exactly. Another challenge was uploading, adding the logo, and finding enough space for all the photos. The hardest color for me to find was peach.  The easiest colors for me to find were the simple, bright colors. In the end, all of my photos were able to upload perfectly. These four pictures were a few of my favorites. Click the link below to check out some of my other photos!!

Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MEs0oMFmdUZWHxOQ2

24 Colors

Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nO1AqvFzo1rZFbJ92

In this project we were given 24 crayons and we were told to match the crayon to an object and then take a picture of it.  Some of the challenges of the project were to match the color exactly.  That was hard because there were four oranges and three blues that looked really alike so it was hard to match it to the correct background.  Some things I found to be easy were to take bland colors and match them.  The primary colors were easy to match.  Above are my four favorite pictures.  My overall favorite picture is the green one standing next to the stick of bamboo.  That was taken in my house and I think it looks perfect.

8 Colors


This project was to take a box of 24 crayons which was 8 for me an match them to various objects around the community an school. Some of the challenges I met was that since I am color blind it was hard for me to match the colors and I was getting confused a lot because it was hard to match them. i found it easy to ask other people if it matched so i didn’t put a blue on a purple object because that would look bad.


Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/QkmBZGtyfZMGJhfY2