
The lighting and the black background worked during this project.  Blurry backgrounds didn’t work.


In order to complete this project we used the camera and played with the shutter speed, ISO, and F-stop to create an effect on the picture.  When we took the picture we stood in front of a black background and used a light to show our pose.  Some things that worked during the project was putting the light near the camera and cropping it out later.  Some things that didn’t work was when the light created a shadow that showed on the wall is messed up the picture.  Here is a link to the album of the pictures I took: https://photos.app.goo.gl/mnXjMUYHCGiDWRBn1 .  Here is a picture I made using the techniques above:Here is a picture of me taken by Jack Parmach:

Portraits-Jack Swisher



In order to produce the magnificent linked photographs above,  I used many camera settings.  These pictures are much darker than your average image.   To create this darkened effect I employed a very fast shutter speed.  In other words, the light being emitted from the background and my subjects has very little time to reach the lens.  This is why the backgrounds are almost completely black and the faces look more like silhouettes.  ISO settings in these images are very low.  The images are not sensitive to light which is made clear by their darkness.  All of these settings were manipulated manually and required a photographer’s expertise.  These images were edited using Adobe Photoshop.

During this project it was easy to edit the photos and add the link of their album into my website.   However it was very difficult to upload these images to Google Photos from Adobe Photoshop.  I became confused with the JPEGs and the folders; as well as, where to locate my work.  Overall this project challenged me and produced professional images I am proud to share.

Black Background Phtography

For the Black Background project we used the manual settings on the camera. We messed withe the ISO and Shutter Speed . If you have a longer shutter speed the photo is lighter because the shutter is open longer to let more light in. If the shutter speed is shorter than the picture will be darker because less light will be let in. The ISO changes the sensitivity to the light. We changed the ISO and Shutter speed to change the amount of light in the photo.

We took photos in front of the green screen, walls, and black and white paper. The green screen and black paper worked the best. We used lights to created different effects in the photos. We had to figure out where to stand and where to place the light so that there would be no shadows. We experimented a lot to get the perfect picture.

We used Adobe photo shop to edit the pictures. We made them black and white and messed with things like the curves and exposure.

These are the final products:

My album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/VsiXDr4f6IHceudC3

Photo taken and edited by me:

Photo taken and edited by me

Photo of me taken and edited by Emma:

Photo of me taken and edited by Emma



We messed around with the ISO and Shutter Speed to make sure it absorbed enough light so the background was black but the person in the picture could still be seen. What worked was things like Threshold, Vibrance and Curves in Photoshop to make the pictures look like comics or have very exaggerated black and white lines. What didn’t work was that, it was hard to find people and time to take the pictures.




I used a regular camera to take pictures in color of my friends. After I finished taking the pictures, I used Adobe Photoshop to put all the photos taken in black and white and changed different parts to a lighter white, darker white, lighter black, and darker black. Having to use a light worked well because when you put the photos in black and white it wasn’t just all dark it ended up looking a lot better with the light hitting different places. Something that didn’t ended up working very well was my first round of pictures because we didn’t use a good background which is needed if you want your picture to look cleaner and less sloppy.

Here is a picture I took using everything listed above:

Here is a picture Sammi took of me using the same things listed above:

Here is the link to all of the pictures that i edited:


Black and White Photos

This project was a great learning experience. Our goal was to create photos on an  infinite background and then edit it. We used a camera that were available to us and had to mess with  ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop in order to make the photo how we wanted. Finding the best possible lighting and angle for the photo was hard. You didn’t want to make the photo orange or have green in the back. I decided to make part of her face with the light and others with all of her face lit up. To get the angle and lighting I wanted with the background dark we had to play around a little bit. When editing I made the background darker using curves and what part I wanted to be lighter and made it black & white. It was a good chance for us to learn how to do all of this on a camera. Here is the link for more of my photos.



I really had fun during this project.  Our project was to take photos of other classmates with an infinite background using the three manual camera settings available to us- ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop. It worked very well when the angle of the lighting was in the right stop to see the persons face without having the light in it or making it a different photo. It was hard to find that angle though and took multiple times to get the right photo and what made it harder was that we had to share the cameras, so we had limited time to take our photos.  It did not work when the light was to close so it made the persons face red or orange and it did not work when it was to far away because then you couldn’t see the persons face. Below is one of my favorite I took and edited, my link to all my photos, and my favorite photo of me taken by Bella.




  In the process of taking these pictures, we used a black background in the studio and used bright lights near our faces. We used the manual setting on the camera and used the F-stop, shutter speed, and ISO. The lights that we put on the side below our faces had an affect on how bright the picture turned out. That was successful. For editing on Adobe Photoshop, we turned the pictures black and white and played with the curves to change the darkness and brightness of the photos.

  This picture was taken by Tatum Goozh, my partner in crime. She used the same apps and process as I did.


The rest of my pictures that I edited are included in this link:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/brsZpUhkJrBj0m4N2

Black Background Portraits


Last week during class our assignment was to take pictures of our classmates with black backgrounds. This is one of my favorite favorites of my friend.  The lighting is coming through the bottom of the picture making everything else stand out. In order to get the correct lighting you need to use the ISO and right shutter speed. This was edited in Adobe Photoshop, where we could adjust the curves of black and light.  One challenge of this assignment was getting the light in the right spot so the photo wasn’t to light or dark. This is the link to the rest of the photos taken. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qr12p9pCKh9OXJtd2

This is a photo of me taken by Mia using the same editing application.