Catch The Action

In this project, we had to take pictures of things in action. To take the photos, I held down the camera button which took a burst. This allowed me to get the best pictures out of all of the ones I took. In order to capture good images, I had to set up the main subject in good lighting and take multiple photos. I would recommend taking a burst because bursts allow you to see multiple photos of the same action and one of them could be the shot you are looking for versus trying to take one photo and get the timing right. Another thing I would recommend is patience. Patience is key in order to get the best shot of the action. If I were to take photos of an action, I would do it of a dog running.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Action Photos

Click here to see more photos

in this assignment, we were told to take a picture of someone while in action. The picture could not look like it could be framed and it could not be blurry. It was hard for me to capture the right moment and for it to not be blurry at the same time. it was easy for me to do the stacking of the photos, for me it didn’t take that long for me to understand how to do everything in Photoshop. For me, it helped to put the camera in a setting where it could take photos at a high speed. this helped capture the moment and also have your subject not be blurry. The setting is called sports mode which can be found in almost all cameras. If you are trying to take action photos and your subject is jumping, it is best to put your camera/ device on the ground so that it looks like your subject is jumping much higher than they actually are. I would love to take pictures of people doing gymnastics or skateboarding, i feel like the picture would end up very unique and interesting.

Catch the Action

For this project, we had to take photos of an object, or person, in motion. This does not mean blurry photos, but it is photos that cannot be staged. To set up for this project, I had to change the shutter speed on my camera to be able to take multiple photos at a time, or a “burst” of photos. A tip for someone trying to take action photos is to keep your camera as still as possible, to get the cleanest image you can.

Link to all my other photos.

Catch the Action

For this project we had to capture a moment where there was action and we couldn’t pose for that specific action. I made sure to set up my camera in a position that is a little bit unique and will give an interesting perspective on the action. One tip is to make sure you don’t move your camera because it will really mess up the quality of the image in the end. If I would photograph any action I would photograph someone skydiving because it seems like such a surreal moment. Here is a link to my photos:


In this project, we experimented with taking action pictures in different formats. For example, the photo shown below is a stacked photo, while the rest of mine in my google drive are single photos. In order to take a stacked photo, I took bursts to fully capture the individual actions that have to occur for the bigger action to take place. While taking action photos, it is very important that you know exactly what you want in your pictures. I think dance would be a great sport to photograph.

Click here to see all of my photos.

Action Photos

For this project we had to take pictures of something being done that could not be posed for. We had to take the picture while the person or thing was moving or performing their action. In the picture above I took a picture of Lizzie kicking the soccer ball. I used the the burst feature on my phone to make sure the picture wasn’t blurry and Lizzie and the soccer ball were in focus. For other people trying to take action pictures I would recommend to stay focused and be persistent with taking the best picture you can. Also using “burst” on my phone was helpful to get the best picture because you get many pictures to choose from. If I could photograph any sport, I would photograph dance because I could get pictures of people doing different jumps in mid-air. I would also photograph dancers because I could go to different ballets and performances and take pictures of the dancers during the performances to get different action shots of them.

Click here for more pictures


For this project, we took pictures of people and objects in motion. During this project the pictures should not be blurry, they should be in focus. A tip I have for people trying to take action photos is making a burst and choosing the best one. This helps it to not be blurry. I would like to photograph cheerleading because I think the shots would be very cool.

Click Here to see the rest of my photos

Catch The Action

In this project you needed someone moving and you needed to take many pictures. At the end you needed to put all different pictures into one. In the picture, Mr. Fitz took one of me jumping over the bench in a suit to make it look cool. If you want to take a cool picture like this, you need to stay still and let the person posing do all the movement. I would want to take a picture of someone kicking a soccer ball. Click here to see photos

Action Photos

For this project, we took pictures of objects in motion, mostly people. The main point of the project was to keep the photo in focus, while the motion was being performed. The action we were doing had to be something that cannot be posed, like a person jumping through the air. To make sure the photos were not blurry and in focus, I used the burst feature on my phone to get many photos taken together in the same amount of time. I would recommend to try a variety of things when taking action photos and to be patient, because sometimes it takes a few tries to get the shot you want. If I could I would photograph soccer and take action pictures during a soccer game. I would take pictures of a soccer game because there are many different opportunities for creative photos and things that cannot be staged.

Click here to find the rest of my photos.

Action Shots

This project is about taking a lot of photos, and the edit the layers so that one person or object is moving on the screen.

I made it so that I made rule of thirds on, so it made the photo pop.

One tip for taking action shots is make sure that the person is going fast enough to not overlap.

+I would like to take action photos from Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

action shots.