Macro Photos

In this assignment, I had to get all close and personal to the objects I was taking photos of. I had to try my best to have it as clear as possible, as well as close up. One thing that worked out for me was the amount of objects I had the ability to take photos of. However, there was a hard part, and that was getting the camera to focus on the main object. I used an app called VSCO, which was new to my camera-taking experience. If I had the patience and correct stuff to take a good, closeup image of something, I would possibly attempt to do a bundle of raindrops on a single leaf. To view more of my macro photos, click here!


For this project we had to focus our cameras on something up close and try and make it to where if someone looked at your picture, they wouldn’t know what it was. For example I took a picture of a dandelion and it is focus on just part of it rather then the whole thing. This makes it harder to tell what it is and also shows the small details. One thing that worked well was using the vsco app and using the + sign. This focused the camera onto small parts of the=different things I took pictures of, and made the background slightly blurry. One thing that was challenging, was sometimes the camera wouldn’t focus so it took multiple tries to get the camera to focus on the object. If I could do this project again with better equipment I would like to take pictures of small insects and flowers to see what they look like in further detail.

Click here for more pictures

Getting Close

The overall idea of this project was to take pictures of objects very close. Some things that worked well for this project were using different apps such as VSCO and not our regular IPhone camera. The camera settings in VSCO had a better ability to take pictures up close compared to the IPhone camera. Some aspects that were challenging were not being shaky and making sure the picture wasn’t blurry. It wasn’t that difficult to find subjects that were interesting to take pictures of. I would like to photograph an eye up close.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!


In this project, we took photos of moving objects or things to capture photos of them in motion. To capture a good quality photo, we used a burst mode to take a bunch of photos at the same time. I would love to take action shots of people playing soccer in the future. This project was difficult but very fun! When you take action photos use burst mode so its easier.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Action Picture

In this project we had to take pictures of and object or person falling. We then used Photoshop to add all of the pictures together that way it looks like there is only one picture. I learned that it is hard to make sure that the background was not messed up from when i added the cut outs to the original picture. I also learned that you have to have a lot of patience while working with Photoshop.

Macro Photography

click here to see more photos

In this project we had to take photos of objects up close without zooming in but instead we had to get as closes as we could without the photo getting blurry. in your camera, you had to turn it to manual mode for the camera to focus well. It was easy for me to find good objects to take photos of but actually taking the photo was difficult because the camera kept getting blurry. If i had the chance to take a photo up close, I would take a picture of a leaf to see all of the tiny lines in the leaf.

Action shots

The assignment was to take pictures of things in motion. And not motion that can be faked with a pose, the type of motion that can only be photographed in the moment. The most challenging thing was finding different dynamic action shots to do while still making them actions that cant be faked with a pose. The easiest part was capturing the image because It was just a matter of catching the perfect moment and while tedious at times was the easiest thing.

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Gage's Gorgeous Photography 2019-04-23 18:57:57

Action Photos

For this project, we had to take pictures of people or objects in motion. In order to capture good images, we used the burst mode on our cameras. This gave us many photos of the object so we could choose the best ones. If you are trying to take good action photos, Use the burst setting on your camera. This will make capturing a picture at the right time so much easier. This will give you a variety of photos so you can keep the ones you like. A sport I would enjoy photographing would be mountain biking. You can catch photos of people getting lots of air on their bikes, and even the occasional crash! Here is a link to all my photos. Below is my favorite picture.

Action Shots

For our action shots, we had to take pictures of people in action or doing something like jumping, running, etc. For this project, we had to go outside because if we go inside, the photos wouldn’t look good. I took pictures of my friends jumping, jumping over hurdles, and catching a football. I used my phone to take photos for this project and I used the Burst mode on the camera. The camera has to stay still for the stacking photo or else it wouldn’t be photo shopped well. I would want to photograph pictures of people swimming.

Click here to view my other photos.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Catch The Action

In this project we had to take photos of objects and people in motion/ doing an action. In order to make the photos seem less blurry I held the button down to make my phone take a burst. Some tips I learned while doing this project was keeping the camera still and changing the camera angle to create a better structure. I would want to photograph figure skaters if I could. ?

Click here to see the rest of my photos.