Action Photos

In this project we had to take a photo of a person doing an action. Say if a person was jumping we would take multiple pictures of that person doing one action. We also had to mess with he lighting and find different angles that would work for the photos. The part of the project that was most difficult was when we had to place all of the photos into one having the person in many positions.

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Catch the action

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for this assignment we had to take pictures that were in motion. For this assignment we took all the picture we took and made it into one showing that the person was in motion. I messed with the lighting and the angle in order to take good photos. One tip I have for taking action photos is to make sure your in the right position to get the whole frame of the picture. i would want to photograph a football game if I could.

Macro Pictures

For this task, we were asked to take very close up pictures of objects, as close as possible without the object or image becoming blurry. For this project I found it very helpful to use the VSCO Camera app on my phone to focus my photos. I hadn’t ever used this app before, so I was surprised at how helpful it was to take better quality photos. I found it kind of challenging to find some interesting and different objects to take photos of, instead of just basic things like flowers. Although it was slightly challenging to take creative photos, I did not have trouble using my phone to take photos. If I had the right equipment and ability, I would like to take close up pictures of flowers, because I find them very interesting to look at and fun to take pictures of.

Click here for the rest of my photos.

Getting Close

During this project, I had to “Get Close” to my objects. This means we had to be about 1-3 inches away from our objects. We had to find different angles to find the exact spot we wanted our photo to look like. Some things that worked well for this project were that I had the perfect length between my camera and the object so it focused and I could see the textures of the object which was new for me and my photos. One challenge I had was that sometimes the subject was moving and I couldn’t get close enough to take an actual good photo. On the other hand, finding subjects was easy and I didn’t have any issues with my camera. If I could, I would want to photograph a jelly fish close up because their tentacles are so interesting. Overall, I really liked this project and it made me realize how many things I look at are so interesting when looking close.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Getting Close

For this assignment I had to get extremely close to any object of my choice. What I tried for this project was putting the camera lens up close to the object and just taking a picture. A challenge was keeping the camera focused for all of the photos. If I could take a close up picture of anything it would be a butterfly. Because I could get some cool photos of there wings. The rest of my photos are here

Getting Close

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

For this assignment I had to take interesting photos of 10 different objects or materials. In order to get a good photo I had to get the focus on the right object, otherwise it would be blurry. Something that was difficult was finding the correct positioning of the object in order to create an interesting photo. Another thing that was hard was finding a good subject because if it was moving you had to make sure its focused and if its still you have to make sure the object is in focus and the background is more blurry. I think I would try to take a close up of a butterfly or some type of marine animal because I feel like those photos would be so pretty.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Getting Close

This project consists of actually getting close to the subject. And obtaining the close up action of the object. We had take pictures that are including both Natural and Man-made objects. The more challenging object to take a photo of is nature because you can’t get photos same as other students. This project was enjoyable and needed to get creative.

Catch The Action

For this project we had to take pictures of objects in motion. In order to help capture good images, I pre-focused on where my subject would be, shot low to the ground so their feet were above the horizon, and took continuous photos for the time they were in the air. Some tips I would have for someone trying to take action photos are to be patient, pre-focus on where your subject will be, and shoot low to the ground so it looks like your subject is higher in the air. If I could, I would photograph swimming.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Catch The Action

For this project I took pictures of a person that was in motion. I had to fine an angle to make the picture go from left to right. If you were to do something like this I suggest to take the picture from the side of the person. I would want to take a picture of a person that is maybe trowing of catching a ball or something.

Click here to mt photos on how I did this


In this project we had to take pictures of objects or people in action .Then we had to edit the photos into a stack in Adobe Photoshop. If I were to give anyone tips I would say to find a very appealing or cool object that is easy to focus on, and not have a background that is easy to focus on. If I could I would like to photograph basketballs because that is my favorite sport and it would be fun to photograph. Here is the link to my Action photos.