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In this semester, I learned about taking pictures from different angles and points of view. I also learned that the way you portray the picture is what it will come out as, such as our 1 object, 5 shots project. My thoughts on photography have changed in a good way because now that I know how to edit and angle my pictures better, I can take more random photos and make them look good. I guess I’ve changed the way I take photos in a way to make them look more artsy and better. My favorite project was the crayon project because it was our first one and I got to experience different ways to take pictures. I think I will continue this class in high school because it was fun learning how to take and edit photos.

Getting Close

Click here for my other photos. For this project, we had to use VSCO to get the focus on close up pictures of 5 living and 5 nonliving objects. This project was easy because using the focus helped make the pictures focused more on the object. The challenge of this project was getting the focus just right so the picture works out. If I had the chance to take close up pictures with a real camera, I would because I like how the image focuses on one object.

Set in the street

This project took place on a set that we made of a kitchen table. What we had to do was bring in props and think of ideas. to take photos to make it look like we were sitting at a kitchen table. The photographers in our group include Carrie Filler, Dominique Popa, Catalina Salazar, and myself. You can access their websites by clicking on their names. The tools I used from photoshop were the black and white tool and the vinigette. If I had to take these pictures to tell my families story, I would either take them in our car, or at our dining room table.

Catch the Action

In this project we took shots of people doing something that involved action. I took multiple photos of the same people doing their actions until I got the right one. When you take action photos make sure to get a good angle. If I could catch action in any sport, I would choose swimming because I could get a cooler shot of the water in it. Click here for my photos.

7 days

day 1: This is a picture of my dog Chester. I am thankful for him because he likes to cuddle with me and come to me when I am sad.

day 2: This is a picture of me with my sister and her boyfriend. I am thankful for them because they include me in their hang outs and (some) dates

day 3: This is a picture of my friends and I. I am thankful for my friends because they are always there for me and make me laugh when I am sad

day 4: This is a picture of my sister and I. I am thankful for her because she is my best friend and I can tell her anything.

day 5: This is a picture of my dog Sadie. I am thankful for my dog Sadie because she always makes me laugh when I am sad and always knows how to cheer me up.

day 6: This is a picture of a lake in my neighborhood. I am thankful for my neighborhood because without it i could have a totally different childhood that could have changed who I am now.

day 7: This is a picture of my best friend. I am thankful for her because you always need that one person who drives you crazy and put you in your place but you can still stand being around.

Smile Project

It was difficult to find a lot of people I didn’t know anything about and capture their best image. I saw changes in their personality when they changed their emotion because it was like they were a different person. Bias could affect my photos because I could see them as a totally different person then they really are. I didn’t ask many questions, but I probably should have asked them something about their background. Click here for slideshow.

Light Graffiti

I took these photos by using a light source to draw a design in a specific camera mode. It worked easily when we knew what we were designing and had the time we needed planned out. What didn’t work as well was some group members did not have enough time to get their whole design in because the camera wasn’t giving them enough time. And sometimes it gave us to much time so we were waiting to long for the photo to load. What frustrated my group was that we couldn’t get our exact designs because we couldn’t see what we were drawing while we were drawing it. To take this to the next level, we could plan out what we wanted to draw and practice drawing it until it is perfect. We could also try more advanced techniques. The link to get me other photos is here.

Rule of Thirds

What worked in this project was that the thirds were easy to get once you put the setting on your phone. What didn’t work as easily was the weather. It got colder when we were out there, because we have the morning period. My thoughts on rule of thirds was that I liked it because you don’t focus on one thing. My thoughts changed from the beginning because I thought it would be hard to get the person or object in the correct place, but the phone setting worked for that. The setting was nine square boxes, and you had to get your person or object on the lines inbetween. You can access my other photos here

Black Background

For this project, we took pictures on a black background of each other. It worked because we ended up getting a good lighting . The only problem was that we couldn’t get a camera until the last day, so we were kind of rushed.

Portraits with a White Backgrounds

For this project, I made a group of three other people, and we took a camera to take shots. For those shots,  we had to change a couple of the camera settings. After we took the pictures, I had to put my logo on them. It worked because the light that we used was really good so we didn’t have to edit any yellow spots off of our pictures. At first we had a yellow light, so we had to switch it to get the good one.