7 days

day 1: This is a picture of my dog Chester. I am thankful for him because he likes to cuddle with me and come to me when I am sad.

day 2: This is a picture of me with my sister and her boyfriend. I am thankful for them because they include me in their hang outs and (some) dates

day 3: This is a picture of my friends and I. I am thankful for my friends because they are always there for me and make me laugh when I am sad

day 4: This is a picture of my sister and I. I am thankful for her because she is my best friend and I can tell her anything.

day 5: This is a picture of my dog Sadie. I am thankful for my dog Sadie because she always makes me laugh when I am sad and always knows how to cheer me up.

day 6: This is a picture of a lake in my neighborhood. I am thankful for my neighborhood because without it i could have a totally different childhood that could have changed who I am now.

day 7: This is a picture of my best friend. I am thankful for her because you always need that one person who drives you crazy and put you in your place but you can still stand being around.

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