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In this semester, I learned about taking pictures from different angles and points of view. I also learned that the way you portray the picture is what it will come out as, such as our 1 object, 5 shots project. My thoughts on photography have changed in a good way because now that I know how to edit and angle my pictures better, I can take more random photos and make them look good. I guess I’ve changed the way I take photos in a way to make them look more artsy and better. My favorite project was the crayon project because it was our first one and I got to experience different ways to take pictures. I think I will continue this class in high school because it was fun learning how to take and edit photos.

Getting Close

Click here for my other photos. For this project, we had to use VSCO to get the focus on close up pictures of 5 living and 5 nonliving objects. This project was easy because using the focus helped make the pictures focused more on the object. The challenge of this project was getting the focus just right so the picture works out. If I had the chance to take close up pictures with a real camera, I would because I like how the image focuses on one object.