Light Graffiti

I took these photos by using a light source to draw a design in a specific camera mode. It worked easily when we knew what we were designing and had the time we needed planned out. What didn’t work as well was some group members did not have enough time to get their whole design in because the camera wasn’t giving them enough time. And sometimes it gave us to much time so we were waiting to long for the photo to load. What frustrated my group was that we couldn’t get our exact designs because we couldn’t see what we were drawing while we were drawing it. To take this to the next level, we could plan out what we wanted to draw and practice drawing it until it is perfect. We could also try more advanced techniques. The link to get me other photos is here.

Rule of Thirds

What worked in this project was that the thirds were easy to get once you put the setting on your phone. What didn’t work as easily was the weather. It got colder when we were out there, because we have the morning period. My thoughts on rule of thirds was that I liked it because you don’t focus on one thing. My thoughts changed from the beginning because I thought it would be hard to get the person or object in the correct place, but the phone setting worked for that. The setting was nine square boxes, and you had to get your person or object on the lines inbetween. You can access my other photos here

Black Background

For this project, we took pictures on a black background of each other. It worked because we ended up getting a good lighting . The only problem was that we couldn’t get a camera until the last day, so we were kind of rushed.

Portraits with a White Backgrounds

For this project, I made a group of three other people, and we took a camera to take shots. For those shots,  we had to change a couple of the camera settings. After we took the pictures, I had to put my logo on them. It worked because the light that we used was really good so we didn’t have to edit any yellow spots off of our pictures. At first we had a yellow light, so we had to switch it to get the good one.