24 Crayons

For the 24 Crayons  project I had to take one box of 24 crayons and take pictures of different things that matched each color in the box. I took some of my pictures in my school and other places in my neighborhood. I found that this project was actually challenging. I thought that finding each individual color was hard to do. Especially holding up the crayons on the wall and then getting a good picture. The easiest part of the project was finding the basic colors.

These are my two favorite pictures that I took. To find more you can click on this link.

My logo

I usually use google in all of my classes to get pictures for projects or assignments, but sometimes I take some pictures and download them to my drive. I don’t usually credit the photographer when I use pictures that aren’t mine or if they are mine, I still don’t. If a classmate was using my pictures, I would want them to give me credit. My logo is a camera with my first initial in it which is an “N” to stand out. Most of the design was easy, like making the shapes and thinking of my camera design. The difficult part was getting the shapes to the right size and color.