Category: Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

This assignment was one of the funnest and coolest things I’ve ever done in my life. I was amazed the moment I realized drawing with light was possible with my trusty camera. To take pictures of light graffiti, you’ll need to setup some settings on your camera first. To start off, you’ll need to put the settings of your camera on manual. Then, set your ISO to its lowest value, which in my case is 100. This will make it very sensitive to any light, so make sure your atmosphere is as dark as possible. Next, set up how long you want your camera to be exposed for before taking a picture by choosing the quantity of seconds. After that, draw your way with flashlights, your phone, glow sticks, and more! I got control of the settings very quickly, but there were things that were not so easy. It was difficult to understand for me and my group to know when to start drawing (at the end we concluded that we needed to wait for 2 seconds after we press the camera button to start drawing). Also, since we didn’t know how the light would show itself at the end, most of our photos turned out to be sloppy and sometimes blurry. The next time I try something like this, I’ll probably go outside at night and set up the camera’s shudder speed for as long as possible to create an epic photo with more than one light!                                                                                                                                     -Marie Valouiski

Link over here for the rest of the photos.