Category: 5 Shots

5 Shots

5 Shots

During this assignment, we had to take 5 pictures each of three, unmoved objects. It sounds pretty straight forward and simple, however the purpose of the lesson is for each photo to be at a different angle and camera position. This means that each photo has to show a different side or view of the object without moving it, but only moving the camera around. The challenging part of the project was to get the camera into a position so I could take a picture of (mostly the back) of the objects. It was very fun and interesting to see how the background, source of lighting, and position influenced each outcome of the photo. My favorite set of photos are the ones with my sister in it because she is the best person in my life. The assignment helped me know how to make pictures more eye-catching and interesting to look at. I really enjoyed this project and can’t wait to see what I’ll have to do next!                                                                                                             -Marie Valouiski

Here’s the link for my photos.