Month: January 2019

Last Project

Last Project

My photography semester passed by very, VERY quickly. I had so much fun taking pictures using unfamiliar techniques, camera settings, and methods. Using these things opened me up to a array of fantastic pictures that I never knew I could do. My favorite project to do was “7 days” because I took some amazing photos and got to explain how these things make me happy in life. Before starting this class, I thought taking pictures couldn’t be professionally done and that anyone could do it. I then learned that taking pictures is actually pretty complicated. There are many different methods of taking pictures, settings on my camera that I never even thought about, perfect lighting combinations, etc. After this semester, I started finding unique positions to take pictures of and getting the perfect lighting. This class taught me that photography is very fun, and I hope to continue pursuing it in high school (along with my other art interests).

Salutations to all, Marie Valouiski.

Getting Up Close

Getting Up Close

Macro Photography is a method of taking pictures by putting your camera really close to something and snapping a picture. In the majority of macro photographs, the main object is bigger than in real life. By using the macro setting on my camera, I got some really clear and spot on photographs of plants, materials, and objects. I was hoping to find some insects or animals to take pictures of, but I had no luck. In addition, if the camera shook just a bit, the pictures would turn out to be very blurry. If I had professional equipment for macro photography, I would head out into the open and take spectacular pictures of exotic plants, insects, and amphibians. I really enjoyed this project and I can’t wait to see what’s next! -Marie Valouiski

Link for rest of the photos here.