Last Project

Last Project

My photography semester passed by very, VERY quickly. I had so much fun taking pictures using unfamiliar techniques, camera settings, and methods. Using these things opened me up to a array of fantastic pictures that I never knew I could do. My favorite project to do was “7 days” because I took some amazing photos …

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Getting Up Close

Getting Up Close

Macro Photography is a method of taking pictures by putting your camera really close to something and snapping a picture. In the majority of macro photographs, the main object is bigger than in real life. By using the macro setting on my camera, I got some really clear and spot on photographs of plants, materials, …

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The Kitchen Table

The Kitchen Table

This project was a little bit of a dozzy for me. My team and I didn’t get some photos in time, I was internally panicking, and etc. However, all was well at the end and the project was nice. Our job was to take pictures at a “kitchen table” and portray mood/emotions in certain pictures. …

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Catch the Action

Catch the Action

                  This project was very mesmerizing and simple at the same time. Our goal was to take 8 to 10 pictures of people and/or objects in motion. I had a lot of fun taking pictures of my friend moving around and of my sister in the spooky, …

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7 Days

7 Days

               It’s the season of thanks, and what better to celebrate than taking pictures of things I’m thankful for? I am very thankful for almost everything life gave to me, and since I’m not in my high school days yet, I have time to be as happy and carefree …

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The Smile Project

The Smile Project

       This project gave me a new experience that I never felt before in my life. I had to take two pictures of fifteen complete strangers, one photo with their normal facial expression and one with them smiling. As much as this assignment was uncomfortable, it was also very special. It was amazing …

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Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

This assignment was one of the funnest and coolest things I’ve ever done in my life. I was amazed the moment I realized drawing with light was possible with my trusty camera. To take pictures of light graffiti, you’ll need to setup some settings on your camera first. To start off, you’ll need to put …

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Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

    The Rule of Thirds is an important concept in the photography world. To help practice using the Rule of Thirds, you would need to use/visualize a grid on your camera screen that is divided by three lines going vertically and horizontally. The purpose of this is to put the subject of the photo …

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Portrait with Black Background

Portrait with Black Background

This is my second part of making portraits with an infinite background. It is just like making the portraits with the white background, except you’re using a black background. To capture the dark essence, we had to take a picture with as little light as possible and edit the photos using Photoshop. We also repeated …

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Portrait with White Background

Portrait with White Background

This assignment was pretty unique from the other projects. In this one, we had to take a picture of a person with a white background then edit the photo via photo shop. This makes the background look infinite or like there’s nothing there. To take a picture, we had to use the manual setting and …

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