Kitchen table

In this project we used a set that looked like a kitchen table to take pictures, each picture had a story behind it.

This whole genre of photos was created by Justin Bettman, the idea is to create a set in a public space, but the set has nothing to do with the place it is in. We created a set that looked like a kitchen table. The creator of this set idea is Carrie Ma Weems,      the  set idea is called  Kitchen Table Project. The photo shop tools I used were Marquee tool, Modify, feather and Inverse. this is what created the dark circle effect. If I were to choose a place that old my families story, I would choose the living room. Our family spends quality time watching movies there, when we go fishing we fix all the nets and rods there.  I would take Pictures of the couches, the tv and everything between because it all is tied to my family. If I were to take pictures you would see many things. My dad and brother in deep discussion, my sister playing on the floor with slime.

You can view more of the photos here

Action shots

This was a stressful project. We had to take 48 pictures in total, each picture had to have something moving in it.  We had to set the camera to manual, after we had to crop out the photos (Only 8 of them).  Something that helped was changing the shutter speed to a high setting, this helped because it made the camera take the pictures faster.  Also the positioning of the camera and the “action” mattered. You could ruin a great photo with bad angling. I would take a picture of mma. If you want to see more pics click here