7 days

I am thankful for being able to have free education. There are a lot of countries were education is limited, in other places children are exposed to so many bad things like drugs, crime and so many other things. 
I am thankful for my religion. I believe that a persons religion reflects their values and beliefs. I consider myself very religious, most of the time when I make a choice or decision I always make sure it follows the guidelines or my religion.
I am thankful for books. I enjoy reading a lot, most people take literature for granted. There are a lot of places were its hard to find books or anything like that. I enjoy reading because you can forget all the stress and problems that you have while reading.
I am thankful for plants. Plants are the symbol of peace and purity in man cultures. We also eat plants and use them for clothes. Without plants the amount of oxygen would decrease a lot and well that would be a problem. A large majority of all the products in the world need a certain plant for there creation. 
I am thankful for water. There are a lot of places were drinking the water there could kill you or at least make you sick. Water is used in almost all products in the world, whether it be drinks, food, medicine or so many other things.
I am thankful for medicine. Without it so many people I know would be dead. Medicine can bring someone back from the brink of death. Medicine can cure someone of depression or help people sleep. Without medicine the world would be a lot worse.


In this project it was hard to find people to photograph. We had to go through the whole building multiple times to find someone to photograph.  When the people smiled their eyes seemed to light up, they seemed to be “in their happy place.” If I knew the person then I might be biased towards them. If I have a low opinion of them I might subconsciously portray them in a bad way.  But if I have a high opinion of them the picture might make them seem cooler or heroic. The questions I would ask my client are things like what is your occupation or where do you want to work. I would also not ask questions too personal because that might affect how I make them look in the photo. To view more photos click here