Light Graffiti

In this project we created photos with Lights. To take the photo we changed the camera setting to bulb. We then held down on the button that takes photo’s.  This makes the camera track the light the whole time. So if you make a line with your light, a light appears on your photo. It was hard to make good original ideas,  also it was hard to communicate. There were 2 specific people who irked me. But making the photos was hard to, you can’t see the things that you are writing, you have to picture the image in your mind. Also our group barely made the deadline. Something that frustrated me was how some people were fooling around a lot. Something that could make this cooler is if we used mirror’s to reflect the light.

Rule of thirds.

In this project the things that worked are finding the ideas for the images, and it was easy to communicate. The hard part was matching up the lines. It was also hard to get the proper lighting. Inside the school we had to find good objects that are photo worthy.  In the beginning of this project I thought this would be easy,  by the end of the project I knew that there were so many other things that could affect the photo. For the lines I just imagined them first on the object or person being photographed. And then I used a setting on the camera that made the lines show up. Here are some more of the photos.

Portrait: Black

In this project I had to mess with the iso settings and the shutter speeds. I used a dial that affects the shutter speed. Shutter speed is how long the camera lens is  open. The longer the lens is open will make more light show up in the photo. If the lens was open to long then shadows would show up in the background and we can’t be having that. But if  the lenses were open to short then the person would start to disappear . It was hard to find a good pose. The poses had to show the persons face. But if  the person was at an angle it looked a lot better. So to combat this I took many photos with different shutter speeds and chose the best of them. If you want to see more photo’s click here


In this project we had to take a picture of someone else. We also needed a photo of our self. We took the photos against different backgrounds with lighting. We also fiddled with the camera settings. We made the camera accept more light.    We also edited it in photo shop to make the lighting look better.  It was hard to make the lighting look good. The easy part was editing the photo’s. If you would like to see more of our photos click here