Getting Close

For this task, we had to take pictures of small or macro things ( living and non-living) like leaves and earrings. For this project, I used the app VSCO to take my pictures. There was a focal point element on VSCO that allowed you to focus on the certain subject you where trying to take a picture of. VSCO is also really good for editing, and it has really good filters. During this project, it was easy to brainstorm ideas of what to take pictures of. I could easily see something macro or small and take a picture of it. However, it was really hard to focus when zooming in on my camera or getting close. If I had the time to take a really close up picture, I would probably take it of a cell or something really tiny. For this, I would also need a microscope and a high quality camera. To see the rest of my pictures, click here, here

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
