Then I Asked Them to Smile

For this project it was difficult for me to be brave enough to ask someone to get a photo of them. I was implicit bias and made assumptions of people I didn’t know. This can affect my job as a photographer because just like in the story, ”Then I Asked Them to Smile,” you can miss your opportunity to take amazing photos with people you don’t know. The people I took pictures of turned out to be really nice and I really enjoyed to talking to them. The changes I saw in myself was that after this assignment, I became less shy. I was able to go up to anybody with confidence and ask for a picture. The changes I saw in the people were major. Some of them didn’t even smile when I saw them at first. All of these people’s smiles lit up the whole room and they seemed so much nicer. When I asked my client/subject to take a photo of them, I asked nicely and with respect. If they said no and didn’t feel comfortable I thanked them anyway. Click here to see my project, here