Last project!

This semester was really fun and educational. I learned a lot about techniques and how to take better photos. We did various projects over this semester including 7 days, Getting Close, Set in the Street, and many more. My thoughts about photography have definitely changed. Before I came to this class, I didn’t realize how important photography is in society. When we visited the Newseum, my friends and I spent a lot of time looking at the amazing Pulitzer prize pictures. I haven’t really changed the way I take photos, but now I know about the rule of thirds and I use it in taking pictures. My favorite project was the Getting Close project. I loved learning how to use VSCO to take pictures. I also enjoyed going outside and finding small/tiny things to take a picture of. Photography definitely interests me and I will continue to do it in high school. I love taking good quality pictures and learning different techniques for how to take better pictures.

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