7 Days

I’m thankful for many things in my life. First of all, I am thankful for my amazing, wonderful parents. My mom and dad have always been so supportive in everything I do. They always give me useful advice when I need it and I always know that they are always going to be there for me. They care about my education and they always push to do my best. 

Next, I am thankful for not only my best friend, but my sister. She makes me laugh like crazy and she is so kind. Even though sometimes she can be a brat, she always finds a way to cheer me up. I can trust her with anything and I can literally tell her anything.


I beyond thankful for my Jewish faith. Being Jewish and becoming a bot mitzvah is such a big deal to me and my family. Over this summer, my grandma took me to Israel where I connected and learned a lot about Jewish history and Jewish culture. I am so thankful for that trip and I will always remember it.

Even though I am faraway from my camp friends, I am so thankful for them. I’m so thankful that I can go to sleep away camp. There, I met my life long best friends. We all are so close and we can tell each other anything! I’m so happy I met them,without them my summer wouldn’t be same. 

My grandparents have made such a big impact on my life. I’m so thankful for all the hard work they have done for my bot miztvah and I’m so thankful that I can visit them almost every holiday. They are so kind, generous, and they always check-in to see how my life is going. I am truly thankful for them.

Makeup is a big deal in my life. Makeup makes me happy and I love experimenting with different colors. I am very passionate about makeup and I want it to be my career. I love making tutorials and videos on makeup. I am so fortunate that I can afford makeup and have the opportunity to experiment with it.


The beach has big influence on my life. Our family loves going to the beach and we even make it a tradition to go. The beach to me is so calming and makes me forget about all my worries. Our bot miztvah was even beach themed. I’m beyond thankful that I have the opportunity to go to the beach.

Click here to see the rest of my photos, here.

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