7 Days

I am thankful for my parents because they support me on everything. They help me when I need there help. They also make me smile everyday. They are everything to me.

I am thankful for Netflix because every time I am board Netflix is always there. when I need something new to watch Netflix is always there. If I didn’t have Netflix than I would have nothing to do.

I am thankful for my siblings because even if they are mean and annoying they are special to me. They are funny and make me  laugh all the time.

I am thankful for my drawing book because it lets me express my feelings. I also love to draw. Sometime on my free time I like to draw with my brother and my mom.

I am thankful for having this necklace because my grandma gave it to me three years ago. She brought it from Israel, this necklace is so special to me it means a lot.

I am thankful for liking chipotle because Its my favorite food and I eat it almost every time. It’s’ unhealthy but tastes very good.

I am thankful for my education because with my education I can get into a good collage. 

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