Month: December 2018

Set in the Street

Set in the Street

This project is called Set in the Street. Where you take 4 pictures with different stories. It was inspired by a New York artist named Justin Bettman

This project is called Set in the Street where you take 4 pictures that each have a different story. It is inspired by a New York artist named Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. In photoshop I used modify, feather, black and white filter, inverse, and a curve layer. I would choose Middletown to tell my family’s story because its my hometown and I love it there.  

Motion Pictures

Motion Pictures

In this project, you had to take a picture of an object in motion and have the background be still. I made sure I had a still setting and took a burst of pictures of the object moving. To take pictures make sure it’s moving and the background is still. If I could photograph any sport it would be volleyball because I play volleyball. The rest of my photos are here