Month: November 2018

7 Days

7 Days

I am thankful for volleyball because it is my favorite sport and I love playing with my team and going to tournaments. I am thankful for my brother because he is very supportive and caring. I am thankful for my friends because they are fun to be around. I am thankful for school because it makes me educated. I am thankful for Mr. Fitz because he is so cool and awesome and I wish I could have him for every class. I am thankful for trees because they provide oxygen. I am thankful for water because it keeps me alive and i am fortunate to have a lot of water.

Smile Project

Smile Project

It was difficult to find people who would let us take their picture. The changes I see are their expressions and a different point of view. Bias might effect your job as a photographer because you might take pictures a certain way based on their looks. You should ask a client how they want their picture taken and how they want to be viewed. My pictures are here.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

For Rule of Thirds I had to take pictures using the grid setting on my phone to take pictures with a lot of space to make you look around and not just at one object. It was hard to find interesting backgrounds so there would be more than one thing to look at. It was easy to find a good subject for the picture. At the beginning I thought it would be harder than it looked but it became easier once I did it. The link for the rest of my pictures is here.