Category: Portraits

Portraits with a Black Background

Portraits with a Black Background

In this project, me and my group had to position the light in a special way, so that there would be no shadows, and so that the light would only be on us. We needed to set the camera settings to manual mode, and we needed to take pictures using ISO. The thing that worked for us the most was positioning the light in front of our bodies so that there would be no shadows. Placing the light in front of the person didn’t work. Here is a photo I took and a picture of me:

If you want to see all my other pictures, click here.

Portraits with a White Background

Portraits with a White Background

For this project, me and my group had to take a photo, so that it would like like we had no background. We needed to make sure that the lighting was perfect too. After that, we would edit the pictures on Adobe Photoshop, to make sure the pictures turned out perfect. Using two lights helped us make the background look better, and cropping the picture also helped it look better. We tried to take pictures of us jumping, but that didn’t work. Here is a picture of me, and a picture I took:

To see all my other photos, click here.