Category: 7 Days

7 Days

7 Days

The first thing that I am thankful for is my family. I am thankful for them because they have always been by my side no matter what. My parents always know how to cheer me up, and my brothers always know how to make me laugh. All in all, I love my family and I am super lucky I have a family like them! 

The second thing I am thankful for is my friends. One thing I love about my friends is how caring they are. They know how to make me feel better, and included. We also love to mess around, and we have countless inside jokes from fun events.

The third thing I am thankful for is my pet cat named Moomoo. Moomoo is super sweet, and very fat too! I don’t know what it is about her, but whenever I look at her, she makes me happy! Maybe this isn’t true, but I feel like she can sense when someone is sick or sad, because she always snuggles whoever is sick or in a bad mood. All in all, I love Moomoo!

The fourth thing I am thankful for is Inessa, who is one of my best friends. Inessa and I have been best friends for 4 years, and she has always been by my side. We have had our ups and downs, but we always help each other out, and make each other laugh.

The fifth thing I am thankful for is volleyball. I have been playing volleyball for 4 years and I have always loved it. Volleyball is really fun and a great way to exercise. Me and my team always work together, so that we can win, and I am grateful for them.

The sixth thing I am thankful for is technology. Growing up with all these new models of phones and computers is so cool, and I feel like we don’t really appreciate it. I have a good education, because of all this new technology, with google classroom, google docs, and even our chromebooks!

The last thing I am thankful for is my house. I feel like I always take for granted how I have a nice warm house, because some people don’t have that. I have a nice room, a warm bed, and a roof over my head which is really great! I know this is cheesy, but it’s true. All in all, these are 7 things that I am thankful for!