Month: January 2019

Last Project:)

Last Project:)

This semester has been been very fun, and very educational. I learned many different ways to take pictures, making them look more professional or just making them look cool! Photography has changed a lot in my eyes, because I used to think it was easy. Photography is anything but easy! There are many factors that make photography hard such as how good your camera is, the lighting, the angle and the subject. Sometimes pictures are blurry, or not cool enough, or they don’t look like how you wanted them to look. I have definitely started taking pictures differently. I always think about the angles i’m taking, the lighting and the background. I also learned many new ways to edit the picture on my phone to make it look bold, colorful or even more clear. I think my favorite project was probably light graffiti, because of how creative it was. I also really enjoyed the last project, and my results. Photography does interest me a lot, but more as a hobby. I think I will take it in high school because I want to learn more strategies and ways to take pictures. This was my favorite picture:

Getting Close!

Getting Close!

In this project we needed to take 10 pictures of small things, or small details. Using VSCO really helped focus on small details, and editing after helped the object look even more detailed. I did try new things, such as the app I was recommended, VSCO! One of the hardest part of this project was getting a good angle or finding nice lighting to take a good picture. Most of the pictures I took were me or inanimate objects, so it wasn’t hard finding an object. There were lots of problems trying to find a good angle, or focusing the camera, which made this project hard. If I had the right equipment, I would want to take up close pictures of nature. These were my two favorite pictures:

To see all my other photos, click here.