Month: December 2018

Set in the Street

Set in the Street

In this project, we built a kitchen set in the middle of the hallway. This idea was taken from the photographer Justin Bettman. His idea was to place photography sets in public. After we set all the walls up, we took turns bringing props and took pictures of different scenes that can happen in a real kitchen. After that we edited the pictures in photoshop to resemble the pictures that Carrie Mae Weems took. Carrie Mae Weems is a photographer that took different pictures of scenes that could happen or have happened, at a kitchen table. The way we edited the pictures was by making the photo black and white, and by using the elyptical tool. Using this tool, I placed the oval shape so that there is a space above it at the top of the picture. Then I pressed Select and Modify, and clicked Feather. I typed in 200 for the amount of pixels and clicked ok. After that I pressed Select again, but I pressed inverse. When I did this I could use the Curves tool and moved the slider around until I shaded the top part how I liked it. If I can choose any place to tell my family’s story, I would also probably choose a kitchen table, because we always use it as a family, and we come together. You would definitely see pictures of me and my brother as children, my old pet parakeet, and later on my pet cat. You would also see pictures of us eating, doing homework, and just pictures of us laughing and talking together. Here was an edited photo, and a zoomed out one:

To see all my other photos, click here.

Catch the Action!

Catch the Action!

In this project, we needed to take 8-10 photos of people or things in motion. The way we got the best photos was just spamming. When the action was happening, we would just press the button many times, which usually got us a good result. I also used the timer on my iPhone, and took some cool pictures of my self. My tip would probably be to press the button many times when the action was happening, if using a phone, or countdown to tell the person when to do the action, if using a camera. I would like to photograph a live volleyball game, because I think the shots would be really cool. These were my two favorites from this project: 

To see all my other photos, click here.