Set in the Street

This assignment was very fun. We had to take pictures in a built kitchen scene and edit them to make it look like we were in a real kitchen. The built scene was inspired by the photographer Justin Bettman, you can check out his website right here. The kitchen and way of editing was inspired by the photographer Carrie Mae Weems. You can view her website here. When editing these pictures in PhotoShop, we used the black and white tool, the marquee tool, and the curves tool. If I wanted to tell my family’s photo, I would take a photo outside because my family loves nature. This is one picture of the built set zoomed out, and one picture of our finished photo. You can see the rest of my finished photos here

Catch The Action

This project was very interesting. We had to take pictures of people or objects in motion. When I used my phone camera, I used the burst feature and that helped me pick the perfect picture. One tip I have for people trying to do the same project as I did, is to have patience, and a lot of it. It is very difficult to capture the perfect picture at the perfect moment so you will need to try a few times. I would want to take a picture of someone doing a back flip, I think that is so cool. I have my 2 favorite pictures here, and you can view the rest of my pictures here