Light Graffiti

This assignment was very fun. We experimented with different types of lights and created beautiful images. In order to acheive this, our group increased the shutter speed to 15 seconds so we had enough time to draw what we wanted until the picture was finally taken. A few things we had trouble with was drawing the actual pictures because we had poor drawing abilities. This is one of my favorite photos, you can see the rest of them here

Rule of Thirds

This assignment was very easy. We had to take pictures using the rule of thirds. In my opinion, pictures that were taken using the rule of thirds are very aesthetically pleasing. Using the rule of thirds is very fun and using the grid on my camera was really cool to do. These are my two favorite pictures, you can see the rest of them here


This assignment was very fun. We had to take pictures of each other to make us look like the background behind us is black, but it’s not a physical background. It wasn’t very difficult to get the lighting right, but we had to work on making the background darker by editing the pictures. Here are two of my favorite pictures, but you can see the rest of them here

CAITLEEEEEN weird picture (^-^)


This project was very unique. We had to take pictures in front of a completely white background and adjust the camera’s shutter speed and ISO to control how fast the camera lense opened and how much light shown through to the lenses. Later on, we worked on editing the photos to give the illusion of a completely white background that didn’t even look like a background. It was a bit difficult to get the lighting perfect, but using natural light and a dim lamp, the pictures came out great. These are two of my favorite pictures, but you can see the rest of them here