Up Close

For the project, “Up Close,” we had to find small objects or a close up of a large object and we needed to take very close photos so that the object itself would take up the whole shot. We went outside to take photos because there was good lighting which makes the photo look much better. I also tried to take multiple pictures of the same object with different angles to see which one looked the best. It was difficult to make the photo look clear but sometimes the camera would become blurry. It was also challenging to find different unique objects around the school. If I ever had the equipment, time, and ability to get really good photos, I would like to photograph the petals of a flower.

Click here to see more.

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Action Shots

For our action shots, we had to take pictures of people in action or doing something like jumping, running, etc. For this project, we had to go outside because if we go inside, the photos wouldn’t look good. I took pictures of my friends jumping, jumping over hurdles, and catching a football. I used my phone to take photos for this project and I used the Burst mode on the camera. The camera has to stay still for the stacking photo or else it wouldn’t be photo shopped well. I would want to photograph pictures of people swimming.

Click here to view my other photos.

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