7 Days

The first thing I am thankful for is my parents (and the rest of my family; and extended family.) I am thankful for my parents because they take care of me. They give me a bed to sleep in, food to eat, help with my homework and always help me to strive to do my best. I don’t know what I would do without my mom and dad. I love them both very much and I am very thankful for them both. 

The second thing I am thankful for are both my sisters. I am very thankful to have two people who are older, and have more experience to give me good advice, share clothes with, do each other’s hair, etc. Without my sisters family vacations and everyday life wouldn’t be nearly as fun. I love them very much and am thankful for them. 

The next thing, I am thankful for is all my friends. Without them my life would be incredibly boring. I can always laugh with them until I cry, even when nothing is funny. I can always hang out with them and do something fun, and I can always count on them to make me feel better when I am sad. I love them all so much and I am incredibly thankful for them. 

Another thing I am thankful for is my dog, Bentley. I love him so much and I get excited whenever I go home because I can see him. I love taking him on long walks until he sits down and refuses to walk anymore and playing fetch.  He’s the cutest dog and I love when he falls asleep in my lap. I’m so glad I have him as my dog.

The fifth thing I am thankful for is the beach. I love going to the beach in the summer.My favorite part is probably going on beach walks at sunrise/sunset and seeing all the pinks,purples, blues,oranges and yellows in the sky or going to the beach all day and staying out in the ocean the whole time.  Every year my family goes to Outer Banks, NC and it is so much fun. 

Considering it is almost December, I am very thankful for Christmas. It is by far my favorite holiday. I love watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. All the Christmas lights are beautiful and so are Christmas trees with their brightly colored ornaments. I especially love Christmas because you spend it with your  friends and family; you also give gifts and receive them. Which is very fun, and this is why I am thankful for Christmas. 

Lastly, I am thankful for the sport I play; lacrosse. I am thankful for lacrosse because it is very fun and I get to see my friends there. I love going to tournaments with friends and hanging out between the games and just the carpool rides going to lacrosse.