~London Photography Site~


7 days

This is Joann, she is probably one of my best, best friends. I took this photo when we were both walking home. But i’s very thankful for Joann shes there for me and i’m there for her. And if shes having a problem, you can guarantee i’m right there beside her. I’m very happy shes in my life.
This is Tien, another one of my friends. I h.ave to say me and Tien were good friends in 6th grade but then we faded. In 7th grade i don’t think me and Tien talked at all. But now in 8th grade me and her are getting closer everyday. I’m thankful for Tien.
This Ryan, he is my sisters god-son. Ryan just turned one. I’m thankful for Ryan because i’m pretty sure he makes my sister happy. And this might actually be cheesy but, if my sister is happy then i’m happy. Also i’m pretty sure Ryan love me too.
Alexis is my like best friend, because she has been there since 7th grade. At first Alexis was very quiet and I think that i helped her become more social. I’m thankful for Alexis because she kind of taught me what a real friend was 
This swing means a lot to me because whenever i go to my grandad’s house i swing on this swing and i kind of reflect on myself because i’m  just outside swinging and just looking into the distance. I swing on the swing for a good five minutes everyday that i’m with my grandad.
I’m not sure why this tree means a lot to me, but it does. I always see it and it’s always there. Kind of like a friend,so when im away i like to sit by this tree and focus on whats around me. And that works for me because this tree is in the middle of a neighborhood away from all the city noises.
This is Litcy one of my friends she is like so enthusiastic. She can literally make your whole mood change from sad to happy really quick. So im thankful for her because she
 is kind of like my end of the day smile.

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