Rule of Thirds

This project was a lot more difficult then I thought it would be. At the beginning I thought all we had to do was take random pictures, but that was not the case. Some things that worked was having the people stay completely still. That was very easy, especially if it wasn’t a person but an object. However, one thing that proved difficult was trying to get the right angle, the thing/ people in the right position, and on top of all of that get them on the line or on a cross. One thing that I found didn’t work was getting the object/ people on the very bottom line. It is possible, but it was very difficult and I couldn’t really do it. The lines, also known as the grid, is used to help position an object or person in a photo so your eyes are drawn to it. You do this by getting the object or person on a line or cross. Below are 2 of my favorite photos. One is of my friend Valerie and I, and the other is some cones outside. To see the rest of my photos click here.