The Last Project…

Well, its been a wild semester. Photography has been my favorite class through out the first half of the school year and I’m so happy I got in. (Even though I didn’t even sign up for it, hehe.) Before I took photography, I knew it would be difficult to take certain photos. My perspective has not changed on that, but I’ve grown to understand just how truly difficult it is to get the right angle, lighting, etc. Because of photography, I have changed the way I take my photos. I actually use the grid now on my phone and experiment with multiple angles. Although photography was very fun, I can’t see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Photography is a very tedious project, and though I’m good at tedious things I’d just prefer to do something else. My favorite project this year was actually this one. I like how we were given objects to photograph and had to use our imagination and creativity to take an exceptional photo. Below is my favorite photo I took during this project, it’s of my friend/ classmate, Ainsley. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Up Close

For this project, we had to take 10 photos as close as possible to 5 living things, and 5 non-living things. This resulted in some really cool photos, 2 of which are below. If you want to see the other 8, click here. For this project, I found that using the IPhone camera worked amazing as the quality of the camera is able to capture very small details. The IPhone camera would be very nice if you had portrait mode, but unfortunately I did not. One thing I found very difficult was finding interesting non-living objects to photograph in school as most things were bland in color in the photos I took. Another difficult thing from time to time was getting the camera to focus. If I had much more equipment and time, I would totally try to photograph high quality pictures of eyes, specifically hazel eyes. I love photographs of peoples eyes up close as they are ABSOLUTELY beautiful!