Set in the Street

This photography project is inspired by photographers Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. We used Bettman’s idea of “Set in the Street” to create a photography set in a public area that has nothing to do with the photo. We combined this idea with Carrie Mae Weems Kitchen Table Project, where she took multiple scenes at a kitchen table, all of which expressing a different emotion. For this project, we created a kitchen table set in the middle of our schools lobby. We took multiple photos with different emotions, each emotion having one photo zoomed in and one far out. For this project, I used photoshop to edit my photos. I first converted them from color to black and white. After, I zoomed out very far to 5% and used the marquee tool to create a large circle just under the light. Then, I turned feather to 200 and inversed it. Finally, I added a curved layer and edited it to make the area darker. This gave the illusion of darkness above the light. We do this because realistically if it were dark one light would not make the whole room bright, just the area under. If I were to tell my families story, I would not use the kitchen table. I would probably use the couch in front of our TV or fireplace because that’s where we all eat dinner together and spend time together. Below are 2 photos I took for this project. You can see the rest of my photos here.

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