Portraits Black Background

For my 5 shots black background this was a very easy project to take on because it’s very similar to the first 5 shots infinite white background we did.The process was to take different photos of people in our group in a black group. There were a lot of different poses that worked for the black background such as disappearing people in the background behind the main person in the photo. The difficulty of taking these photos was to get the skin tone down correctly without making it look too dim or blended in with the background. You can find the rest of my photos here.



For my portraits project I did with 4 other people we worked on different poses for head shots we took of each other. There were several poses and positions of the photos that worked such as a regular still standing position with a facial expression. It began to get a bit confusing to find different poses to do after you used up the first 2 good ideas of yours or used by other people. You can find the rest of my photos here.

5 shots

For my 5 photos 2 objects what I did was find 2 different objects and take 5 different photos in a new perspective each time. A challenge during this project was finding a object that would look good in different angles considering you could use anything. The flower pot was the hardest to photograph because since I took really good angles for about the first 2 it was hard to decide what other angles I should do.This project helped me create new perspective on angles.You can find the rest of my photos here