Last Day

For my first semester in photography I have been able to learn different ways to capture photos overtime. The types of assignments we’ve had to do for this class was make our very own logo so people know who has taken the photo, photo taking around the school, taking photos at home, etc. My overall view for photography has definitely changed for this class, and it has helped me grow better as a learning photographer, which makes me think I have advanced along the way. My favorite project for photography was making our logo and and Getting Close. I’m not too sure why I enjoyed those two but I did because it was pretty easy for me. I’d like to continue photography in high school because it was the only class I actually enjoyed. I want to see more of what I can expand onto photography in the future.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Getting Close:

For this project we had to take 5 pictures of something living and 5 pictures of something not living. What worked well for this project was taking pictures of objects that were not living because it was a bit hard to find 5 objects that aren’t living besides a person. If I had more time for this project I would take more pictures of different displays of artwork that I could find at home, school, etc. You can find the rest of my photos here

Kitchen Table

For this project we needed to take 4 pictures of different themes that would go on in someones lifetime. This project was based off/ and l . The Photo Shop tools we used for this project were the zoom out tool, black and white to edit the color of our photos, and the circle tool. A place I would use for my family’s story photo I would take it at their birthplace. You can find the rest of my photos here

Catch the Action:

For this project we had to take 8-10 photos of people doing a action. What I did for this project to capture good images was taking my photos closer to the person or getting into specific angles that made the photo come out in a certain type of perspective. The tips for this project I have are not taking the photo too close away although you can crop it. Also to get good actions so the photos aren’t boring like mine. A sport I would love to photograph would be track and field or football. You can find the rest of my photos here

7 Days

I am thankful for my aunt Taylor. We have known each other since we were babies and would spend the whole day getting ourselves into so much trouble although we thought it was funny at the time and still to this do day. We’ve gone from playing with Barbie dolls, going to Disney, playing in sprinklers at a Brooklyn park, filming weird D.I.Y videos, playing on our Nintendo DS, and so many more memories.

I am thankful for my dog Bella because she is a amazing furry friend and extremely friendly to be around. She gives tons of kisses to people although her breathe sinks sometimes. She loves to take pictures, follow you around, bark at nothing and eat french fries.           
I am thankful for this NBC Studios sign in Manhattan New York because the Rainbow Room provides tourists different types of fun entertainment when traveling to New York. NBC also provides people sources of information and entertainment from all over the world.
I am thankful for my mom because she has been through so much with me. I don’t know what I’d be able to do without her in my life. She has helped me with so much of my teenage girl drama, hard times at school, and other difficult times that I’ve had through the years. I love my mom so so much and I thank her so much for that she had done for me in order to become the person I have become today. She continues to make me laugh and stay happy. Even when I get in trouble and she isn’t impressed with me she still somehow forgives me in the end.
I am thankful for my sisters because they are so funny and caring although very annoying most of the time. Us three tend to cause so much trouble in our household which drives our parents crazy but we just laugh it off and get into more trouble. I’m also thankful for them because whenever one of us is upset we like to hep cheer each other up. Although we fight a lot with each other we care too much to stay mad at each other forever. They never fail to make me laugh even when we’re not supposed to and I’ll love them forever.


I am thankful for Times Square in Manhattan New York because this part of the city has so many different sightings such as clothing stores, restaurants, small pop up shops and etc, you can see and enjoy with your family and friends. The city is so full of different people and places to go which makes it so beautiful and a place where everyone should visit.
I am thankful for Manhattan New York because there are so many different attractions that I love to see whenever I travel to NYC. There are several arrangements of buildings for shopping, touring, eating, etc that make me fall in love with the city. NYC is so colorful and fascinating since is so much to look at. I am thankful to have the opportunity to be able to see such a beautiful part of the world like this.

Then I Asked Them To Smile:

For this project I had to take 2 pictures of 1 different person asking them for one not to smile and the other to smile. What I found to be difficult for this project was asking 15 people to do the same two things. The changes I found in each photo was since everyone person had a different face sometimes one person looked more serious with a straight face than another person. Or one person looked happier than someone else. Bias could affect my job as a photographer because it could make look at the photos differently than how I would’ve pictured them. When hired the type of questions you should ask should be to ask the person to angle themselves in a certain way so the person who sees the photos are looking at it a type of perspective. You can find the rest of my photos here

Light Graffiti

For this project I took my photos using a camera. On the camera we used a setting to hold the photo at a maximum of time where we would make our design using the flashlight from our phones. The first step was to be in a dark setting without any area of light. The second step was to hold down onto the camera while the picture is being taken. The third step is to make your design for your  image using your flashlight from your phone or something else. The images that worked were small designs like a heart. Depending on what design you did it would take longer to get more images done because the camera counted your time while you took your photos. The things that didn’t work were a person’s name because it used up all of the camera time. How you could take this project to the next level could be tracing a person’s whole body with light so it could look like they were a piece of light. You can find the rest of my photos here.

Rule of Thirds

For this project I needed to take 4 pictures of different people and 5 pictures of different backgrounds. What worked for this project this was taking pictures of different people. The photos I chose of people was easiest because the people could do any pose or action while I took the pictures. What didn’t work easiest was taking pictures of backgrounds. It was harder to find a background to use in rule of thirds because there wasn’t much to take pictures of without using a object. The lines I used for the photos were grid lines. The lines help you get the image in shape with whatever you’re taking a picture of. How I set up my shots was putting the people in the third grid and the background’s in a lower or higher perspective. You can find the rest of my photos here

Portraits Black Background

For my 5 shots black background this was a very easy project to take on because it’s very similar to the first 5 shots infinite white background we did.The process was to take different photos of people in our group in a black group. There were a lot of different poses that worked for the black background such as disappearing people in the background behind the main person in the photo. The difficulty of taking these photos was to get the skin tone down correctly without making it look too dim or blended in with the background. You can find the rest of my photos here.



For my portraits project I did with 4 other people we worked on different poses for head shots we took of each other. There were several poses and positions of the photos that worked such as a regular still standing position with a facial expression. It began to get a bit confusing to find different poses to do after you used up the first 2 good ideas of yours or used by other people. You can find the rest of my photos here.