Five Shots

In this assignment, I had to find at least three different objects (including people) and take five pictures of them in five completely different angles. I believe that one genuine challenge in this project would be when I had to stop myself from being repetitive. For example, when I took a picture of the wet floor sign above, I would make the mistake where I would take the picture of the front angle of the sign, but then follow up by simply walking to the back of the sign and taking the picture in the same angle, just a different spot. I believe the object hardest object to photograph was the fork, because it’s hard to get certain angles when the object is a nearly flat object. This project helped me to get better at knowing what angles work for what object. For example, while I was getting pictures taken of me and taking pictures of others, I realized that the lower angles look kind of funny, and don’t really look that great with actual people. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

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