Whole this semester we learned a lot about photography, and we practice our skills to take good photos. Also I change the way to take pictures and l love to learn new things. So my favorite project was white background and close up, I enjoy it a lot taking pictures making project so that’s all I can say. The close up project was fun because we got to find smalls things and very close it it was fun looking all around. This career is so amazing to learn and try it because it help you a lot and then you can make money just for work as a photographer. This is important in high school too because you can get credits for college.


In this project we have to take photos of something closer, and for me was hard to find something interesting and beautiful. But l get some pictures because during the class we went to outside to take photos of any object, and it supposed to be closer, I use the camera of my phone to take this photos. I like this project because is an ability to get cool pictures and edited it, than you know how to take pictures very close without moving. If l have the equipment time, l would like to take closer photos of animals like in the zoo, or to go at a mountain there are a lot of trees and small animals. If you want to see all my photos go by clicking HERE.