Kenia’s 7 Days

My first photo is from my grandparents and I’m thankful for my grandparents they did a lot for me when i was in El Salvador, they teach me about ours culture and about church, and I miss my grandma she die when I was 8 years old. My second photo is from my aunt I am thankful with my aunt she is like my second mom she came to USA she is here and l am happy to have her in my life she is an important person for me. My third photo is from my little sister I am thankful of my little sister she make me happy sometimes. The fourth photo is from my Iphone I am thankful with my phone, because when I feel sad I talk with my uncles or friends or I look Videos from YouTube or Netflix. The fifth photo is from me making tortillas I am thankful because i can make it. The sixth photo is from the best teacher in Montgomery Village Middle school I am thankful she teach me a lot in ESOL class.  The last Photo is from Food I am thankful with food and with god because without that we can’t live.


It was difficult because l was asking every person for 2 photos one smiling and the other one without smiling for a project. But some people was “No I don’t like take photos” And its ok if they don’t want to I can’t take photos without permission, And that can affect a photographer, And also some people got mad and others people they was very nice. The change was one photo smiling and one without smiling, And I got 30 photos of 15 people. Every time I ask a person for a photo I say may I take a photo of you please is for a project and I need one smiling and one without smiling please, Some people say of course you can. If you like to see my photos you can seeing by clicking Here